Wednesday, April 23, 2014

Resume' Creativity

Hey y'all!

So it's been about a week since I have posted anything! The end of the year is always crazy! With all the tests, projects, and papers my teachers are like:

Anyway, today I wanted to show you guys something I think is pretty darn cool. 
As you know, I am currently on the hunt for internships, and needed a way to stand out. 
I mean what truly makes your resume' worth picking up if it looks the same as everyone else's?
I was given the advice from a mentor to do something that would catch the employers attention, so I turned to my trusted friend Google and the search for the perfect idea began. Finally I came across the idea of a resume' made of fabric from
So here is my final product:

If you would like to see exactly how to make this resume' head on over to!
Hope you all enjoyed seeing this project and find a way to make your resume' stand out too! Remember, if it's not just a piece of paper it's a lot harder to just throw it in the trash!



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